Black History Month is a time to honor the rich contributions, achievements, and history of Black individuals and communities throughout the United States and beyond. The West Memphis School District is committed to fostering an environment of inclusion, respect, and education, celebrating the diversity that strengthens our community and our shared future. Let us use this month to learn, reflect, and continue to work together for positive change.
10 days ago, West Memphis School District
All West Memphis High School Graduates
7 months ago, Charles Jackson
The State of Arkansas is providing critical food resources for students and families. Learn more at
9 months ago, Charles Jackson
Spanish EBT
English EBT
Parent teacher conference will be tomorrow August 31st from 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm at your child's school. We look forward to seeing you there.
over 1 year ago, Charles Jackson
Parent Teacher Conference
#MondayMotivation Just a reminder....Back to school week is in 4 Mondays from today! Stay tuned for supply lists and all of your back to school event information. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
July 26 is first day of school
#MotivationMonday In exactly 1 month from today, WMSD schools will be back in session! Stay tuned for all things back to school. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
WJHS Cheerleaders need YOU! Click on the images for information about the squad's Sponsor a Day Calendar Fundraiser.
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
wjhs sponsor a day fundraiser
contact Kyler hybeck for more information
#MotivationMonday Celebrate Juneteenth today, Monday, June 19! Please remember WMSD is closed in observance of the holiday. Enjoy your day! #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
wmsd is closed today
#FYIFriday Come out and celebrate Juneteenth tomorrow! Check out the image for more information, and remember WMSD offices and schools are closed on Monday, June 19 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday. Have a great weekend! #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
Juneteenth Celebration 6/17 from 11-5 at Wonder City boys and girls club
WMSD will be closed on Monday, June 19
#WinningWednesday A handful of WM sports standouts are named to this year's 2023 Sports Hall of Fame Class. Congratulations to these blue devils! Check out the image for a complete list of names and information on this year's ceremony. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
Hampton, Moore, Sloan, Gean, and Rose named to this year's class.
ceremony is 10/26 at 7pm at the AWM cafeteria. Tickets go on sale in September.
#FriYAY Today is the LAST day of school for the 2022-2023 school year! We hope you enjoy your summer break! If you need to look at dates for the next school year, check out our website and app for links to the calendar. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
Summer break starts today.
#ThursdayThoughts Are you a parent of a current or former special education student in WMSD? Do you know of one? We want to alert special education parents about this Destruction of Records Notice. Check out the image and share to those who may need this information. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
destruction of records notice
June 15, records destroyed
#WisdomWednesday Don't forget....WMSD schools will dismiss early on Friday, June 2nd on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Elementary schools dismiss at 2, and secondary schools dismiss at 2:15. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
last day is Friday, June 2
#WelcomeWednesday The West Memphis School District school board selected a new superintendent. Dr. Terrence Brown will be joining WMSD in July. Check out the image for more information and some thoughts from him. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
Welcome to WMSD, Dr. Brown.
#TuesdayVibes The last day of school is Friday! Please note that schools will dismiss early on Friday, June 2nd. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
last day is 6/2
#FeelgoodTuesday Need something to read while you're on your summer vacation? Look no further than the West Memphis Community Book Giveaway sponsored by AWM's Writing Club. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
WM community book giveaway on may 30th
#MemorialDayMonday Honoring the heroes who died fighting for our freedoms. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
honor our heroes
#FriYay Shoutout to these WMSD educators who are finishing up Take Flight advanced training this week. We are grateful for the services these ladies provide to our students. Way to go! #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
Take Flight Advanced Training
#FridayVibes Don't forget that schools are closed on Monday. Have a great and safe long weekend! #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
over 1 year ago, West Memphis School District
school closed on Monday, may 29
#FriYAY WMSD celebrated our staff at the annual awards ceremony. Congratulations to this year's outstanding teachers of the year, who are now eligible to become district, regional, and state teacher of the year. Check out the images for a complete list of winners. #WMSDisTHEplacetobe #WMSD #ForksUp
almost 2 years ago, West Memphis School District
teachers of the year pictured
list of teachers and schools
Dr. Ring is District Teacher of the year 22-23